Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Leader or Manager?

As I read the article in the link below, posted by an acquaintance of mine, I was reminded once again of who I am and who I need to become. Being a leader is what I strive for and I want to help others succeed above myself. As you read the article maybe you will be reminded of who you are and who you want to be...whichever side you fall on. Here's the link:


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Book Review: Everyday Greatness

“I must strip my vines of all useless foliage and concentrate on what is truth, justice, and charity.” –Pope John XXIII

Reader’s Digest Everyday Greatness is full of timeless truths that can relate and apply to all areas and aspects of life of life. The stories and quotes found within the pages of this book are filled with wisdom and encouragement for any and all who are seeking to live a better life. Whether you are wealthy and seeking to become a better businessman or you are an average, everyday Joe Everyday Greatness can help you on your journey. This book is for you.

Found within the pages and chapters of Everyday Greatness are stories of triumph, glory, joy, peace, struggle, temptation, trials, and perseverance. The authors of these stories are people that we see everyday in the world around us. This book contains truths to help you with many areas of life including areas like searching for meaning, starting within, respect, unity, integrity, charity, and overcoming adversity. If you are searching to achieve everyday greatness this book could help you. I give this book a four star rating!

“Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy” –The Cockle Bur